Ten Years of High-Energy Universe in Focus:
NuSTAR 2022
Cagliari, Italy - June 20–22, 2022
Sponsored by Comune di Cagliari and Città Metropolitana di Cagliari
The Ten years of High-Energy Universe in Focus: NuSTAR 2022 meeting will be held in Cagliari, Italy.
The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) is the first focusing hard X-ray (>10 keV) satellite in orbit, and is providing unprecedented data on energetic phenomena ranging from the solar system to distant quasars. Since 2015, the observatory has primarily been run as a guest observer facility, with programs competitively selected by time allocation committees. A significant fraction of NuSTAR observatory time is coordinated with other high-energy observatories. This conference will be an opportunity to explore the range of science that NuSTAR is conducting, with sessions focused on topics including Galactic binaries, extreme transients, ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), the census of obscured AGN in the local universe, black hole physics, and future high-energy facilities. Talks and posters on additional topics are also expected and encouraged.
Invited speakers
Confirmed invited speakers, in alphabetical order:
- Tonima Ananna (Dartmouth)
- Javier Garcia (Caltech)
- Raffaella Margutti (UC-Berkeley)
- Claudio Ricci (Universidad Diego Portales)
- Aarran Shaw (U. Nevada)
- Dominic Walton (Hertfordshire)
- Yuhan Yao (Caltech)
We had a very large number of submitted abstracts, many more than we could fit in the three-day schedule of the conference. If your contribution is not included in this list, please consider it accepted as a poster. We planned three sessions of lightning talks – 1 minute, 1 page – during the conference, where all participants bringing posters will be able to advertise their work.
The full list of speakers is:
Aarran Shaw, Alessia Tortosa, Amruta Jaodand, Andrzej Zdziarski, Aysegul Tumer, Bret Lehmer, Claire Greenwell, Cosimo Bambi, Dan Wilkins, Daniel Wik, Debora Lancova, Douglas Buisson, Edward Nathan, Ekaterina Sokolova-Lapa, Enrico Bozzo, Francesco Ursini, George Younes, Georgios Vasilopoulos, Greg Madejski, Guglielmo Mastroserio, Hannah Earnshaw, Jiachen Jiang, Jingyi Wang, Jun Yang, Kaya Mori, Keigo Fukumura, Kohei Ichikawa, Lea Marcotulli, Marianne Heida, Matteo Bachetti, Mihoko Yukita, Mislav Balokovic, Natalia Osorio Clavijo, Nazma Islam, Norbert Schartel, Nuria Torres-Alba, Omaira Gonzalez Martin, Paul Draghis, Peter Boorman, Randall Rojas, Renee Ludlam, Riley Connors, Romana Mikusincova, Ruediger Staubert, Saikruba Krishnan, Sean Pike, Shuo Zhang, Stefano Marchesi, Xiurui Zhao, Yaherlyn Diaz
The conference will take place at Teatro Doglio, located very close to the city center.
Teatro Doglio
Via Logudoro, 32, 09127 Cagliari CA
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is now closed
Registration and abstract submission are two separate processes. Please do both
Registration fees:
Category | Earlybird (before April 22nd) | Regular |
In-person | 300 € | 350 € |
Remote | 110 € | 180 € |